To kick off events for the first term in 2023 Year 11 and the Year 10 boys’ group had the opportunity to go on a nice gentle nature walk in Dorrigo, inside Dorrigo national park. The walk is a comfortable pensioner friendly 6.6km loop walk which showcases some of the original high-country jungle of the area, a remnant of ancient Gondwana rainforest.
Along the loop walk our school group got to witness two falls, Crystal Falls and Tristania falls. Despite it being summer, the heat wasn’t an issue due to the entire walk taking place under a thick belt of canopy.
After the stroll we transferred the students across Dorrigo to go for a swim at Dangar Falls. These falls are located 1.2km north of Dorrigo, on the Bielsdown river. At thirty meters high the falls are a pleasant place to have a swim for those looking for an easy to access swimming hole. I was really pleased with the behavior of Year 10 and 11. They represented the school well and earned themselves some credit in Bradley’s bank for future adventures yet to come.
By Bradley for Carol and Karen